Excise and Taxation Jobs has announced multiple vacant positions in different departments. You are looking for jobs in Excise and TaxationDepartment Sindh? If yes, then this is good news for you. You choose the right way to join the government sector.
Every man wants authentic and clear detail about different Government & Private jobs, So we ensure you and our team visit National Job Portals every day and see the latest and official advertisements. So, we get all ads from different Pakistan newspapers such as Dawn, Daily Ummat, Khabrain, Daily Express, The Nation, and Daily Times, etc.
How to apply for Jobs in Excise and Taxation Jobs in 2024?
Applicants should submit their applications to the Secretary Excise Taxation & Narcotics Control Sindh Secretariat No.2 (Tughlaque House) Karachi for each category of post separately. Interested candidates must submit the following copies of documents duly attested with their applications.
1) Name 2) Father’s Name 3) Academic/Technical Qualifications, 4) Date of Birth and Address, 5) Domicile / PRC 6) Two latest passport size photos (duly attested). 7) CNIC and 8) Previous experience, 9) Sukkur IBA Test Score copy & Candidate Admit Slip, if any.
All documents must be attested.
The general upper Age Relaxation limit will be permissible as per the policy of the Government.
The posts will be filled in on Urban / Rural quota and as per prescribed rules of the Government of Sindh.
The share of the quota is reserved for women, differently abled 21-28.
Persons and minorities shall be adhered to as per policy/rules of Government Sindh.
Those who are already in Government Service should apply through the proper channels.
Those who have earlier applied for any post through advertisement in Excise, Taxation & Narcotics Department should apply afresh in response to this Advertisement
Applications without or incomplete documents shall not be entertained. SECTION OFFICER (ADMN-II) Excise, Taxation & Narcotics Control Department For Secretary to Government of Sindh Tel: No. (021) 99211408 INF-KRY No. 2365/23.
My Name is Imtiaz Ali Soomro I am pass intermediate on 2021 pre Engineering
I am Intermediate pass on 2021
Apply for Assistant Excise Inspector