women university mardan jobs

Women University Mardan Jobs 2023 | Apply Now

Women University Mardan Jobs has announced multiple vacant positions in Mardan. These all jobs are announced through the official jobs portal of Women University Mardan such as www.wumardan.edu.pk. If you are looking for jobs in University then this is good news for you. You choose the right place for your future.

women university Mardan jobs

In this post, our team describes all requirements and instructions for jobs, so read the complete post carefully. In this article, we provide all pieces of information such as how to apply, posts name, qualification, number of seats, job location, last date, etc. Pakistani nationals are encouraged to apply for the following positions on a contract basis and on a permanent basis.

Hurry up to apply now for multiple positions, Don’t wait for the last date. All interested candidates or students can apply online through the official jobs portal of the University. You can also see the latest advertisement in given below the post. Applications are invited on the prescribed online form available on the university website: www.wumardan.edu.pk.

Details for University Mardan Jobs 2023:

Published in: 28 April 2023
Last date: 04 May 2023
Newspaper: Express
Organization: Women University Mardan
Job Type: Permanent or Contract Base
Number of Seats: 20
Job Location: Mardan, KPK.

Vacancies details for Women University Mardan Jobs:

Sr.No Post Name Qualification No. of Seats
1. Assistant Professors (TTS) Phd 05
2. Drivers (BPS-05) Matric 10
3. Security Guard (BPS-02) Matric 05

How to apply online for Women University Mardan Jobs in 2023:

  1. Applicants are required to apply online, through the Women University job portal on apply.wumardan.edu.pk.
  2. The hard copy of the online application form along with duly attested photocopies of all DMC, Degrees, Certificates, CNIC, Experience certificates, two recent passport-size photographs, and a challan form/payment deposit slip of (Rs. 7000/- non-refundable for Assistant Professor) and (Rs. 1000/- non-refundable for Drivers and Security Guard) shall reach the Registrar Office, Women University Mardan, East Canal Road, Mardan.
  3. A call letter for an interview will only be sent to shortlisted candidates.
  4. No TA or DA will be allowed.
  5. The deadline to apply for jobs at Women University Mardan is Thursday, May 4, 2023.

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Submission of both online and hard copies of the application is mandatory. In case anyone of the two is missing, the application will not be entertained. Incomplete applications and those received after the due date will not be entertained.

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