Investments and savings go a long way in adding to your financial profile. Nowadays many schemes seek long-term appreciation by investing high amounts in equity-related instruments from companies involved in information and technology. This is because most of the information technology sector companies predict unprecedented growth shortly. One such option is tata digital india fund which is backed by a very well-known and focused company enjoying wonderful goodwill and a name in the investment market. When you wish to invest and earn substantial returns, it is wise to make prudent decisions. Let us analyze the reasons why you should choose Tata Digital Fund for investing in the market:
- Current Net Asset Value: The prevailing NAV of the fund is one of the deciding factors in whether to invest in the fund or not. In the case of Tata fund in the digital space, the net asset value stands at Rs. 43.22 which is bound to grow, given the huge potential of the fund as well as the goodwill and reputation of the company backing it up.
- Returns: Another compulsive factor to invest in any fund is the returns that it generates in the long run. Looking at the outstanding returns given by Tata’s Digital India stock, you cannot overlook the performance of the fund in the long term. The returns are substantial standing at around 37.35% every year and around 23.56% on a 5-yearly basis.
- Fund size: The stock size has been considerable and holds assets of more than ten thousand crores worth with the management. A stock of this size is sure to generate huge returns in the market. The size of any fund decides the amount of focus the company has as well as the efforts it will put into the success of various projects. So if you want to earn big time, invest in this Tata fund and make your money grow.
- Investment objective: Tata Digital stock is aiming to invest around four-fifths of its worth in equity or equity-related instruments in companies dealing in the information and technology segment. It is a growth-oriented sector which aims to give high returns in the long run. Since this digital fund has its major investment in the IT sector, it is bound to get the advantage of the growth and development in the IT field.
- Expense ratio and Exit load: Lastly the two important factors which can influence an investor’s decision to invest in any particular fund are the expense ratio and the exit load in case you decide to drop the fund. In the case of Digital Fund by Tata, the expense ratio is around 1.67% which is the lowest, and the exit-load is a bare minimum of 0.25% if you decide to redeem the stock within thirty days.
With a minimum SIP an=mount of rupee one hundred only and a minimum investment requirement of rupees five thousand, surely tata digital india fund direct growth plan is a sure-shot bet and you must consider it as a hot favourite while picking up stocks to park your money with 5 paisa.
Investing in stocks aimed at information and technology is like investing for your future since almost all domains of the world today, be it hospitals or hospitality, education or business, sports or construction, all sectors are using technology effectively.